Choosing the Best Cloud Storage for Video Editing: Key Considerations and Top Solutions
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Choosing the Best Cloud Storage for Video Editing: Key Considerations and Top Solutions

Video is taking the world by storm. Choosing the softwares you use, especially what you store is important

Brandon Fan
Brandon Fan

According to a recent report by Wyzowl, an industry leader in video content marketing, 86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool. This is a significant increase from the previous year, demonstrating a growing trend towards video marketing among companies of all sizes. Furthermore, a study by Animoto found that video was the number one form of media used in content strategy, overtaking blogs and infographics. The same study also found that 93% of marketers who use video say that it’s landed them a new customer. 

Part of that strategy is selecting the ideal cloud storage for your video editing projects is a crucial step in ensuring a smooth and effective workflow. With a multitude of options available, it can be challenging to navigate this terrain. This overview will help you understand key factors you need to consider when making your choice.  Before we get into it, there are a few things that should be touched upon that any person evaluating cloud solutions should think about.

Speed and Performance: The speed at which you can upload and download videos to your cloud storage is critical. Delays here can create bottlenecks in your workflow, causing frustration and reducing efficiency. 

“Speedy cloud storage allows for maximum productivity in the video editing process. Every moment counts.”

Collaboration Features: If you work as part of a video editing team, you’ll need a platform that supports functionalities such as real-time editing, commenting, and version control. 

Handling Large Video Files: Video files, especially those in high definition, can be massive. The cloud storage you choose must be capable of handling these large files efficiently without compromising on speed or data integrity. 

This guide will explore some of the top cloud storage solutions for video editing, highlighting how they address these key considerations. Ready to discover the best cloud storage for your video editing needs? Let’s dive in.

Best Cloud Storage for Video Editing

The global cloud storage market is expected to reach $137.3 billion by 2025. Video editing is a complex process that not only requires powerful software but also a reliable storage solution. When it comes to storing your video projects, traditional hard drives may not offer the flexibility, scalability, and collaborative features needed for modern video editing workflows. This is where Cloud Storage comes into the picture, providing a flexible platform that allows easy access to video files from virtually anywhere. However, “easy access” comes in a variety of different forms and should be directly addressed (as we’ll talk about in this article). Depending on how your company is structured, you might prefer a synchronous solution (something that feels as if you’re working off a hard drive together), this is perhaps what most people dream about, but is very difficult to replicate in modern cloud solutions. What many cloud solutions offer, however, is “asynchronous” synchronous work. Being able to easily upload, download, and synchronize downloads. This feels okay for kilobyte files, but if we’re looking at videos, this quickly adds up. The average size of a 1-hour 1080p video is 1.5GB and if Video files make up 60% of all data stored in the cloud, then we are in a hard-pressed situation to do do something about it. 

Navigating the Landscape of Cloud Storage for Video Editing

Provide an overview of the content, highlighting the importance of choosing the best cloud storage for seamless video editing workflows.

In the dynamic world of video editing, the right cloud storage solution can make all the difference. Trying to coordinate numerous high-quality video files can quickly become a headache without a reliable storage solution in place. That’s where cloud storage comes into play. These services not only provide ample room for large files but also facilitate quick access and seamless collaboration, vital for video editing teams working on complex projects. 

Using the best cloud storage system for video editing can dramatically streamline the editing process and boost productivity. But with numerous solutions on the market, how do you decide which one is the best fit? That’s precisely what this article will guide you through. We’ll delve into the critical aspects of cloud storage, like speed and performance, collaboration features, and handling large-scale video files, to help you make an informed decision. 

We’ll also explore and evaluate leading cloud storage solutions like Adobe Creative Cloud Storage, Dropbox, and Google Drive, and how they align with the needs of video editing. In addition, we’ll provide tips on optimizing storage speed and efficiently handling large files – all the essentials you need for a smooth video editing workflow. 

Beyond the present scope, we’ll also be looking into future trends and advancements in video editing cloud storage, and potential integration with emerging editing technologies. Our aim is to assist you in navigating this evolving landscape and providing you with the tools and knowledge necessary for selecting the best cloud storage for your video editing projects.

Key Considerations for Video Editing Cloud Storage

Speed and Performance

Speed and performance are critical factors when it comes to video editing in the cloud. High-speed upload and download rates are essential for a smooth and efficient editing process. Slow speeds can lead to long waiting times when uploading raw footage or downloading edited videos, which can significantly disrupt the workflow and productivity. Performance, on the other hand, refers to how well the cloud storage service can handle the demanding tasks associated with video editing. This includes not only the speed of file transfers but also the ability to quickly save changes, load high-resolution previews, and stream video content without buffering or lag. Moreover, high performance is crucial for maintaining the quality of the video during the editing process. Any lag or delay can lead to frame drops, synchronization issues, or other technical problems that can compromise the final output. This is particularly important when working with high-definition or 4K video files, which require more processing power and bandwidth. Finally, speed and performance also impact the collaborative aspects of video editing. Cloud storage services with real-time collaboration features allow multiple users to work on the same project simultaneously. However, this requires a high level of performance to ensure that all changes are synced in real time and that all users have a consistent and up-to-date view of the project.

Collaboration Features

Working in a team on a complex video project requires more than excellent communication; it necessitates a robust collaboration feature set within your cloud storage solution. Let’s delve into these essential features. 

Real-time editing can make a world of difference in a video editing workflow. It allows multiple users to work on the same video file simultaneously, making changes that are visible to all members in an instant. It eliminates back-and-forth emails and the confusion that can cause, speeding up the editing process significantly. 

Moreover, having a review and commenting feature can enhance the editing process. It allows team members to leave feedback or annotations directly on the video file in the cloud. This provides a clear, specific, and easily accessible reference for revisions. Implementing such a feature makes for more precise and focused editing. 

Version control, a feature found in advanced cloud storage solutions, is particularly crucial for video editing. With this, multiple versions of a video file can be saved, allowing team members to easily revert back to an earlier version if required. This feature saves time and reduces the risk of losing progress, ensuring a seamless editing process. 

Therefore, when choosing your cloud storage, pay close attention to its collaboration features. The right tools can make collaboration effortless, enhance efficiency, and streamline your editing workflow in ways that can transform your video production process.

Handling Large Video Files

Media files have their own custom complexity. Why? Because they are BIG. The internet was never designed to transfer large amounts of media files everywhere (TCP is only a few KB chunks at a time). Transferring large video files can be time-consuming. Whether you’re uploading them to a cloud storage service or sending them to a colleague, the larger the file, the longer it will take to transfer. This can slow down workflows and make collaboration more difficult. 

Now imagine that you not just have slow internet, but also a slow computer – large video files can significantly slow down your computer’s performance. Video editing involves complex processes that demand high computational power. When dealing with large files, these processes can become even more resource-intensive, leading to slower performance or even system crashes. 

Now there are a few ways companies typically manage this: 

  1. Proxies help as you work off of low-resolution and render in high-resolution
  2. Only store backups and data when you have to 
  3. Cull and remove bad cuts
  4. Transcode and compress

Cloud storage services, for example, can provide ample storage space and facilitate easier collaboration. Additionally, techniques such as file compression and transcoding can help manage file size and improve system performance.

Top Cloud Storage Solutions for Video Editing:

Adobe Creative Cloud Storage

Different cloud storage solutions handle large video files in various ways. Adobe Creative Cloud Storage, for instance, offers a seamless integration with Adobe’s suite of video editing tools. This means that large video files can be easily imported into editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro, and changes saved directly back to the cloud. Adobe’s cloud storage also supports a wide range of video formats, making it a versatile choice for video editors. 

With the acquisition of, this has also significantly led to improvements with tailored cloud workflows for approval and editing, proxies (although we can go back and forth on if this is good), and more.

Dropbox for Video Editing

Dropbox has been one of the earliest players to provide cloud storage. Early in Dropbox’s life, they offered unlimited storage, which recently just got removed. However, they have built a great user experience on being able to work with your files and provide a slew of different product offerings like Docsend and Capture to help improve the “business” side of video production.

Dropbox’s cloud storage has faced criticism from users for its limit on file size, with the web interface capping uploads at 50GB. The official client, despite a few operational issues, appears to be a more reliable option for uploads of significant size, as it can handle disconnects and resume the upload without restarting. However, the elimination of unlimited storage is a source of concern and it’s causing users to consider building their own Network Attached Storage (NAS), with recommendations pointing towards Synology NAS with Backblaze’s automated cloud sync. As for file synchronization, many users have recommended alternatives like Air to overcome Dropbox’s shortcomings. Despite these challenges, Dropbox continues to expand into various industries, though it’s important to note that the storage needs greatly vary among users in different sectors. For instance, while hospital imaging data might require less than 1TB, video editing professionals can find themselves needing significantly more space. These modifications to Dropbox’s storage plans have the video editing industry scrambling to find a reliable and effective solution, with a prevalent sentiment towards independence from cloud solutions. 

Google Drive for Video Production

Google Drive is currently being utilized by over 389,480 companies for file sharing, with the top sectors being in Education, Marketing, Technology, and Social Media (6sense). 

Among the diverse uses of Google Drive is its application for video editing and streaming. Many users found comfort in accessing their files through a directly integrated virtual drive compared to conventional file browsers. This gives users the advantage of directly downloading files while transferring them to local drives (reddit). 

However, it’s worth noting that Google Drive may present challenges for video editors dealing with large volumes of data (300-500GB per video). The process of uploading and navigating such sizeable files may prove to be a tedious process, and files of such size generally take a while to open. 

With regards to storage and archives, video editors need to carefully consider their choices. While it’s technically possible to use Google Drive as an archive, this approach isn’t widely recommended, primarily due to the associated costs. Alternatives such as Dropbox or LTO are often suggested over Google Drive for archiving purposes (reddit). 

Furthermore, video editors or production teams seeking a cloud-based storage solution for their raw files often require robust metadata tagging systems. Simply searching by filename or timestamp often isn’t sufficient for their needs. (reddit).

Speed Optimization and Large File Considerations:

Optimizing Cloud Storage Speed for Video Editing

Optimizing cloud storage is more of a science than an art. There are a few things to keep in mind.

If you’re dealing with large video files that won’t be accessed frequently, then cold storage can be an excellent choice to help you save money. Cold storage refers to the process of storing data that isn’t accessed regularly on a lower-cost, slower access storage system. 

The unique advantage of cold storage isn’t just the cost, which in many cases is significantly less expensive than regular cloud storage solutions, but that it’s designed to maintain data integrity over the long-term. This makes it particularly valuable when working with high-resolution video files that can be enormous in size and costly to store in a typical cloud storage. 

However, it’s important to bear in mind that the trade-off for this reduced price tag is often slower access and retrieval times. This is seldom a deal-breaker for video files you aren’t frequently editing, as the cost savings can outweigh the slight delay in accessing your data. By effectively leveraging cold storage, you can allocate your budget towards more immediate video editing needs, ultimately making your operations more economical and efficient. It is ultimately a great solution if you need to ensure that you will always have access to your files, and more importantly, if your client ever comes to you and asks for all of their files back, you have a solution to give them. 

Comparison Guide for Video Editors

Side-by-Side Comparison

Cloud StorageFeaturesStrengths for Video EditingCons for Video Editing
Adobe Creative Cloud StorageSeamless integration with Adobe’s suite of video editing tools, reliable upload and download speeds, real-time collaboration capabilities, and version control.Provides an all-in-one solution for video editors in alignment with Adobe software, including Premiere Pro and After Effects. The cloud storage delivers effective collaboration tools, allowing multiple team members to work on the same project simultaneously.Can get expensive and does not even have the greatest first party integrations with its own tools
Dropbox for Video EditingHigh-speed transfer capabilities, intuitive collaboration features, large file handling, and an easy-to-use interfaceThe Dropbox ‘File Request’ feature significantly eases the process of collecting and storing large video files. Its robust collaboration abilities make it excellent for team projects. The device synchronization allows for seamless multi-device editing.Dropbox has a limited upload of 50GB from the web, it also has limited sync capabilities 
Google Drive for Video ProductionAdvanced collaboration tools, integration capabilities with popular video editing software, high storage quotas, and easy file sharing capabilities.With Google’s robust infrastructure, video editors can expect high-speed transfers and high up-time, ensuring uninterrupted workflow. The Drive’s compatibility with editing software and Google’s own suite of productivity tools makes it a versatile solution.Google Drive has really bad bandwidth support and oftentimes will cancel or shutdown your account if you upload too much

How Shade is upending the Cloud

A push for real-time 

As we mentioned at the beginning, the last decade has seen a wave of growth towards the cloud. However, the cloud is still not real-time, it still doesn’t feel like we’re truly working together. Especially when you’re sharing large media files that take days to upload, we need to build networks and tech that allows people to work with each other in real-time, as if they were on the same SSD.  This is where Shade comes in. Here at Shade, we’re building new technology that allows teams to work with media files seamlessly, from anywhere, to anywhere, as if you guys were working off the same computer. 

Building a smart cloud

Your media is valuable, and its a gold mine that you should be able to leverage. But you can’t leverage it if you don’t know all the 100 terabytes that you have stored. Let’s face it, you probably don’t know all of the content you’ve made over the last decade. I’ll tell you what, that’s okay! Shade has built AI to help you index everything from images, to videos, to audio to 3D assets; everything is indexed and catalogued for you. 

Building a flexible cloud

We all want clouds that are affordable and flexible. That’s why Shade has built in options to allow you to transfer your data to cold storage (vault storage as we call it) so that you can optimize your costs relative to what data you’re using. No more having to pay exorbitant bills for data you won’t use on a daily basis. More importantly, Shade allows you to still search all of it. 


In conclusion, selecting the ideal cloud storage solution for your video editing needs necessitates careful attention to a few key factors. Firstly, speed and performance must be prioritized. Ensuring fast upload and download speeds will result in a smoother video editing experience, minimizing delays and frustration. 

Secondly, don’t overlook the importance of collaborative features. Real-time editing, commenting, and version control amongst your team can significantly enhance productivity and creativity. 

Lastly, given the heavyweight nature of video files, your chosen cloud storage should be adept at efficiently handling large file sizes. Techniques like efficient compression and cloud transcoding services can prove immensely benefical in this process. 

While Adobe Creative Cloud, Dropbox, and Google Drive are notable options based on these criteria, it’s crucial to assess your specific needs and preferences to make the best decision. Also, keeping abreast of evolving trends in video editing cloud storage – such as AI-driven features and emerging editing technologies, can contribute to more efficient and innovative workflows in the future. 

Here at Shade, we’re pushing the edge of what is possible for media and the cloud. Stay tuned for all that we have in store. 

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